San Jacinto College Student

Accuplacer ESL (English as a Second Language)

Are you a non-native English speaker? Our college offers testing to assess your English language skills and to help figure out the best courses for you.

How To Prepare for Your ESL Exam

Here are some helpful tips on how to prepare for your virtual or in-person test. Important: This test is only available for the purpose of enrollment with San Jac.

Before scheduling your exam, please meet with an advisor to discuss your testing needs. They will also provide you with the Testing Request Form that you will need before scheduling to test.

If you are eligible to receive testing accommodations, please meet with Accessibility Services to make sure you receive the appropriate accommodations.

After you take the test, you should meet with an advisor again to discuss your scores and what they mean for course enrollment. You can retrieve your unofficial score report by visiting the Accuplacer Student Portal

If you would like to retest, please discuss that option with your advisor. To retest, you will need to pay a retest fee and can test once per day.


The Accuplacer ESL test consists of Listening, Reading, Sentence Meaning and Language. The test is made up of multiple-choice sections, and a WritePlacer ESL essay section.

Great news: The Accuplacer ESL test is not timed. Most students finish in around three hours, but students are given up to 14 days to finish. While you can enjoy breaks during any multiple-choice section,  you must finish your essay in one sitting.

To help you prepare for the test, you should review the Accuplacer ESL sample questions and sample essays.  The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) office also offers preparatory support. For more information, please check with their office. The Accuplacer Student Portal also provides Practice Resources to help you prepare for the test. 

For test day, be sure to have: 

  • Your photo ID (driver's license, student ID, etc.).*
  • Your Testing Request Form.
  • Payment for the retest proctoring fee or your receipt (if applicable).

* You can use the Accuplacer Student ID Form for the Accuplacer ESL exam in place of a photo ID. Please review all requirements on this form and have the form notarized to ensure you are able to test.

Did you know San Jac offers virtual testing for the Accuplacer ESL test? To test virtually, you will need a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam and audio capabilities. Devices such as cell phones, iPads, Surface and other tablets will not work.

To ensure you meet the technical requirements, please follow these steps: 

Note: You may join the Zoom meeting with an existing account or as a guest participant.

Find a Testing Center

Each campus offers different test options. Check below to see which campus offers the test you need and to register for your exam.


Have you taken the Accuplacer ESL at another Texas college or high school and want to retrieve your scores? You can use the TSI Cross-Institutional Score Report Request Form to make this request with San Jac. Please submit a request online using your student login. If you haven't claimed your account, claim it now by visiting the SOS Network Access page

Submit Form Request


Testing Center Email
Central Campus
North Campus
South Campus
Generation Park




San Jac Testing Centers have a responsibility to faculty and students to respond to any infractions that may occur. We administer the Accuplacer ESL under policy, rules and guidelines set forth by the College Board and Accuplacer platform.

Testing Center staff will stop testing for anyone who commits an alleged testing infraction while taking the exam. After correcting the alleged infraction, staff will allow the exam to resume if the alleged infraction is minor. However, staff will not allow the exam to resume if the alleged infraction is major. Many minor alleged infractions may also result in staff not allowing an exam to resume and dismissing the examinee from the Testing Center.

Currently defined major infractions include, but are not limited to: 

  • Cheating: Using unauthorized aids, conspiring with an individual, and impersonating or having someone impersonate you during a test.
  • Bribery: Offering or accepting money or other compensation in exchange for test help or other benefit.
  • Theft: Removing or attempting to remove test material or other privileged material from the Testing Center.
  • Disruption or violence: Acting in a manner that causes a disruption or threat to others.

Currently defined minor infractions include, but are not limited to: 

  • General non-compliance: Failing to follow staff instructions and/or testing guidelines about test materials, breaks, etc.

Other actions and behaviors not defined here may be regarded as a major or minor infraction at the Testing Center's discretion.

Staff will complete a Notice of Testing Infraction form detailing the incident and submit the form and all collected materials to their Testing Coordinator for review. This will be in collaboration with the Dean of Student Records & College Registrar as well as the Dean of Student Development and a leader from an appropriate advising office.

The appropriate Dean, or designee, will determine appropriate disciplinary action.